Frequently Asked Questions

+ Is Acclivity a Marketing Agency or a Venture Capital firm?

Neither, but we can give you the benefits of both — without the downsides of either. We offer a comprehensive set of marketing capabilities and resources to address your business needs. And we also provide marketing capital to back the programs and initiatives we propose.

Unlike an angel investor or VC, we’re not passively investing in your business or looking for an equity stake. In rare circumstances, we may want to offer an exchange of capital for equity, but that’s not our focus or how our business model works.

With our seasoned team, we’re better positioned to deploy marketing dollars than anyone else, which is why we’re willing to use our money and not yours.

Unlike a marketing agency, we’re not charging you based on hours or the seniority of the people working on your account. If you decide to use Acclivity’s marketing capital, we’ll only share in the revenue growth we drive for your business, so we’re only winning when your business is winning.

+ What do I need to pay for your service?

Pricing depends on a variety of factors like the scope of your needs, the industry you’re in and whether or not you want to use our capital for your marketing efforts.

If Acclivity funds your marketing, we’ll work with you to tie our compensation to the revenue growth you see from our partnership. We use the term “shared success” because we’ll mutually agree upon a model where we’re incentivized to invest resources to your topline growth over time.

If a revenue-share agreement doesn’t work for your business or your investors, we can also offer standard payment options for various services. Where possible, we’ll tie our work to actual performance targets to ensure you see concrete value.

+ Do you offer your services a la carte?

While we prefer to build a deeper relationship that incentivizes growth, we also realize that companies have various needs at different stages. Many of our services are available as fixed projects that we can perform a la carte at competitive rates. If you have something specific in mind, please reach out so that we can discuss the possibilities.

+ What stage startups does Acclivity work with?

We have experience working with companies at all stages, from the early idea validation through growth and expansion. We can also help companies where growth may have stalled and a fresh perspective is needed. Let us know where your business is today, and we’ll get where you want to be tomorrow.

+ What types of industries do you have experience in?

The beauty of working with Acclivity is that our team has deep and direct senior-level experience in a broad range of industries, particularly B2C and B2B SaaS/technology and consumer products and services.

+ Is my existing marketing team able to work with you?

Absolutely. If you already have in-house marketing resources, we can scale and customize our approach to fill your skill gaps — big or small.


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